Since the business conference in August announced the brand renewal to the delivery of a large order of 500 Weichai SDAC new energy light trucks in October, Weichai New Energy Commercial Vehicle has made a major breakthrough in the market in just a few months. Behind the outstanding achievements is not only the initial achievements of its high-end strategy, but also the innovative exploration of the marketing mode of the commercial vehicle industry under the new energy discourse, starting from the strategic cooperation of intelligent transportation with Guohui Lvyuan.

How to solve the dilemma of new energy commercial vehicle market?

With the continuous deployment of the national dual-carbon strategy, the entire commercial vehicle industry is evolving towards new energy. According to the data of China Automobile Association, new energy commercial vehicle sales in China were 145100 in 2021, and the market began to take shape. However, it is worth noting that although the market penetration rate is increasing year by year, commercial vehicle enterprises are still facing problems such as “large amount of early investment, high operating costs, and sales is difficult to support store operations”.

At the same time, new energy commercial vehicles are mainly based on organizing customers, and “package services” such as charging and maintenance are indispensable. For small and medium-sized enterprises and retail investors, under the investment of self-purchased heavy assets, to meet their quality standards, charging problems, after-sales maintenance and other needs, it also needs a comprehensive layout.

All above hinder the further growth of the new energy commercial vehicle market. In other words, new energy commercial vehicles face completely different demands for vehicles and scenarios. Only by constantly transforming and innovating the marketing model can we improve the user experience and ultimately create value. Only by finding new energy user services that is suitable for our own development is a great way to focus on blue ocean market. Weichai New Energy Commercial Vehicle, which has just been renewed, seems to be finding its own way of opening in the new competition.

Explore the best way, resolve user pain points through marketing transformation

Looking at the new energy commercial vehicle users pain points, lack of capital investment, lack of revenue sources, lack of operating experience, etc. has become a common phenomenon. Only by taking the lead in reform is the best way to better serve new energy commercial vehicles, especially new energy light truck users. Weichai New Energy Commercial Vehicle is to meet the core interests of users and drive the new energy light truck market growth through one-stop service of expanding lease, transportation capacity and supply source.

Not long ago, Weichai New Energy Commercial Vehicle officially joined hands with Hubei Guohui Lvyuan to carry out strategic cooperation on smart transport capacity. First of all, Guohui Lvyuan is mainly engaged in 2B + 2C leasing business. The 500 Weichai SDAC new energy light trucks delivered and put into operation by Weichai New Energy Commercial Vehicle will be gradually put into over 10 cities, and eventually build tens of thousands of vehicles to lease; At the same time, now “planned logistics” is the main mode of enterprise distribution. During the peak period of logistics, there is often a shortage of transportation capacity. Weichai New Energy Commercial Vehicle can fully provide and meet the needs of “transportation outsourcing” by linking resources of all parties; Not only that, relying on the resource advantages of Weichai Group, Weichai New Energy Commercial Vehicle will expand the supply channels through the enterprise itself, dealers and operators in the future, so as to provide “combined” services for vehicles and goods. Weichai New Energy Commercial Vehicle will work with Guohui Lvyuan to explore and realize cost reduction and efficiency enhancement for users to the greatest extent, and full cycle service in the whole field.

The expansion of leasing, transportation capacity and supply source are effective attempt for Weichai New Energy to explore new service experience for commercial use, and it is also a taste of participation for it to actively prepare new high-end light truck brands. On the whole, the new energy commercial vehicle industry has ushered in vigorous development, and a new golden age of the automobile industry has arrived. However, the industry competition is no longer a single product competition, but also a diversified competition of technology, service, resource and even values. We can see that the logic behind the brand renewal of Weichai New Energy Commercial Vehicle is a new journey based on the era background, which is a profound insight into the industry and user changes, bravely assumed responsibility, leading industry innovation, and promoting user value. Therefore, there is reason to believe that with Weichai new energy commercial vehicles take the initiative to change, start anew and take the first mover advantage, it will inevitably accelerate to lead the commercial vehicle market in the future and drive China’s new energy commercial vehicles to a broader world.